Freedom Through Sobriety: How To Find It During Recovery?

December 9, 2023

Addiction | Barbara Decker

Key Takeaways

  • Your loved one can achieve freedom by not using substances. It’s not contradictory, as some people think.
  • Avoiding drugs or alcohol is not the only part of treating addiction. Embracing ourselves, learning from our past, and making healthier choices truly set us free.
  • Recovery is hard work, but it’ll help your loved one grow stronger and more confident, allowing them to take action in the future.

Barbara’s Perspective

It can be surprising to find that sometimes, true freedom comes from choosing not to do something. In the context of overcoming addiction, we witness this daily. While it might seem that giving up certain behaviors is limiting, the moms we work with see a different story.

They witness how their children gain true freedom and control over their lives through the challenging but rewarding journey of sobriety. And how the lives of the moms, their son or daughter, and everyone else in their close circle improve as a result of this.

Barbara 🙏


Achieving freedom is a common human desire. However, it may seem counterintuitive that abstinence can lead someone there. After all, isn’t it a restriction? How can abstaining from these behaviors solve the problem?

By choosing to have a healthy life, individuals can break free from the grip of addiction. Then, they can use their time, energy, and resources to pursue more meaningful endeavors. Additionally, it allows them to free themselves from inner turmoil and guilt.

Join us as we explore the power of abstinence to achieve autonomy. Whether your loved one is just starting or has already begun their journey. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are worth it.

The False Sense of Freedom From Substance Use

Adopting a pattern of using substances can give individuals a false sense of independence. Many people think this way because alcohol or drugs give a short break from stress, pain, and bad feelings. The fear of sobriety is a driving force behind this desire for escape.

Avoiding things might feel free at first, as people think they can control their feelings using these substances. They can choose when to engage with challenging emotions and when to evade them, influencing the way we perceive their impact.

But, this supposed free will is transient and illusory. While alcohol and drugs may provide immediate relief, they do not address the root cause of the emotional pain. Over time, the constant usage can exacerbate existing problems and bring suffering.

While using alcohol and drugs may initially feel like a choice, dependency can lead to an inability to abstain, even if desired. When someone relies on this, they might think they’re in control, but actually, it’s not true. This struggle usually underscores the disease-like nature of dependency.

Freedom in Sobriety: A Path to True Liberation

Woman standing on the beach, experiencing freedom and true liberation in sobriety with arms outstretched.

Choosing a clear-headed life is truly freeing, unlike the false freedom that dependency gives. However, it’s important to emphasize that it’s far from easy.

Moderation allows for the revitalization of internal and external liberty. It means breaking free from dependency and helping people take control of what they do and choose. This true emancipation is not fleeting like the highs offered by elements but is long-lasting and peaceful.

There are also transformative accomplishments associated with abstinence. Being sober allows for meaningful triumphs, unlike the temporary pleasures that substances provide. These victories often mean growing as a person, getting stronger, identifying better ways to cope, and realizing your value. For someone recovering from being an alcoholic, these achievements can be especially profound.

Acceptance is what truly sets for self-care, self-discovery, and wellness. Even though it might be tough at first, and people may feel sobriety fatigue, the possibilities for personal improvement are huge.

FREE: Get the 3 pieces of advice that helped me understand this disease of addiction

Discovering Freedom in Sober Living While Building a Healthy Lifestyle

Finding freedom involves more than just abstaining from alcohol and drugs; it’s about reclaiming one’s existence. However, this can seem like a complex puzzle to solve.

Don’t worry. Even mixed puzzle pieces start making sense with patience. You can find peace using simple steps your loved one can take to stay committed to recovery and escape from the trap of addiction.

To seek change, an addict can do several things. Admit past mistakes and get professional help. Take care of yourself and stay mindful. Learn about addiction and recognize addiction patterns. Create strategies to avoid relapse. Joining residential support groups is helpful, too. It’s a community where you can share treatment, learn, and get information and support on your recovery journey.

Your Loved One Can Cultivate a Free Lifestyle Starting Today

A man and his mother cultivating a free lifestyle by hugging affectionately while sitting on a couch.

Creating a lifestyle of healing and recovery isn’t just engaging in certain behaviors – there’s more to it. By avoiding drug abuse, people can feel more free to live on their own terms without the limitations of past painful experiences.

But it’s important to understand that addiction programs are a long journey. It takes effort, but the rewards are worth it. With the right help and mindset, your loved one can naturally choose to stay sober without addiction stopping them.

Frequently Asked Questions About Freedom Through Healing

What does freedom in recovery mean?

Freedom in recovery means taking control of your actions, breaking free from dependency, and becoming who you are meant to be. It’s about finding new coping methods, developing physical and mental strength, and creating a better future without addiction.

What is freedom in addiction?

Addiction creates an illusion of freedom that is deceptive. It might seem like it offers liberation, but in reality, it only chains people. Addiction can create a cycle of temporary happiness and then devastating lows that never end.

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What are the rewards of being sober?

Being sober has lots of good things. It helps you and your loved one discover hidden talents, improve relationships, and have stable emotions. It also makes their behavior better and gives them the gift of time that they’d otherwise waste on their substance of choice.

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